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Tom Hibbert, Achieving Inhuman Strength Levels

Tom Hibbert is the founder of Winning Strength, Southampton, UK. Tom is a renowned strength coach in the U.K. and has competed at the highest level of u90kg strongman, having won England’s Strongest Man, placing 2nd at Britain’s and World’s Strongest Man, and holds the Log Clean & Press World Record u90kg and u105kg British Record.

Tom coaches several professional strongman athletes including Graham Hickes (British Log Press Record 220kg), Chris Morgan, Matjaz Belsak (World’s Strongest Man Finalist), Darryn Wright (u90kg World Record Deadlift 340kg), Arram Eghoyan (World Powerlifting & World Record Holder u82.5kg WPF), and track and field athletes Richard Bull (World Ranked Triathlete), and Sofi Flink (Javelin Record Holder).

I have been fortunate to learn from and be mentored by Tom, and in this article, I will share with you the key point I learnt to increase your strength potential, from his one-day achieving inhuman strength levels seminar.

Things I learnt from Tom:

1. Test and assess

2. Structural balance – strive for it!

3. Build a strong base to have a high peaked pyramid

4. Get strong through the full strength curve, starting at the weakest point

5. Start with the end in mind and work backwards

6. Upper body needs more variation than the lower body

7. Once a 5-7% decrease in performance is observed, adjustment is required

8. Concentric work benefits concentric, eccentric work benefits both

9. Recovery is KEY!

10. Biggest influence on work capacity is nutrition

11. Relationship between organs and muscles – Chinese medicine

Tom's skill as a coach, his approach, in-depth knowledge, and application were highlighted in his seminar and has furthered my knowledge on strength training and the application of principles attributed to increasing strength. My passion for helping athletes and clients achieve results has never been stronger, and the knowledge and skills learnt will be fundamental in achieving this further.

If you want any additional information, or you are looking to improve your strength or athletic performance, use the contact form or email to arrange a complimentary coaching call.


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